Ambassador Sridhar Khatri participated in the high-level meeting of The Alliance of GSP Countries
Ambassador Sridhar Khatri participated in the high-level meeting of the Alliance of Generalized Systems of Preference (GSP) Countries held today at the Embassy of Argentina in Washington, D.C., and discussed with the Ambassadors and representatives of other 26 countries about their request to the US Congress for reauthorization of the GSP preferential market access facilities offered by the USA to Ambassador Sridhar Khatri participated in the high-level meeting of the Alliance of Generalized Systems of Preference (GSP) Countries held today at the Embassy of Argentina in Washington, D.C., and discussed with the Ambassadors and representatives of other 26 countries about their request to the US Congress for reauthorization of the GSP preferential market access facilities offered by the USA to Embassy of Nepal, Washington DC, USA Archive 2023, Events, Events Archive, News and Informations