Ambassador’s meeting with World Bank Official Cecile Fruman 19 September 2023
Ambassador Sridhar Khatri met with Ms. Cecile Fruman, Director, Regional Integration and Engagement in the South Asia Region (SAR) from the World Bank on 19 September 2023 at the Embassy. The two exchanged views on the development agenda of common interest to both Nepal and the World Bank, including regional connectivity in South Asia through track-two processes. Ambassador Sridhar Khatri met with Ms. Cecile Fruman, Director, Regional Integration and Engagement in the South Asia Region (SAR) from the World Bank on 19 September 2023 at the Embassy. The two exchanged views on the development agenda of common interest to both Nepal and the World Bank, including regional connectivity in South Asia through track-two processes. Embassy of Nepal, Washington DC, USA Archive 2023, News and Informations, Uncategorized