Ambassador’s meeting with CNI in Kathmandu on 22 May 2023
Ambassador Sridhar Khatri met on 22 May 2023 with the executive members of Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) in Kathmandu and exchanged views on ways to attract more US investments in Nepal and help expand the services sector, particularly IT sector in Nepal. CNI executive Chair Vishnu Agrawal and co-chair of CNI IT council Ajit Shah were among the participants Ambassador Sridhar Khatri met on 22 May 2023 with the executive members of Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) in Kathmandu and exchanged views on ways to attract more US investments in Nepal and help expand the services sector, particularly IT sector in Nepal. CNI executive Chair Vishnu Agrawal and co-chair of CNI IT council Ajit Shah were among the participants Embassy of Nepal, Washington DC, USA News and Informations