Ambassador Sridhar Khatri met with the Nepal-USA Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NUSACCI) in Kathmandu on 23rd May, 2023
Ambassador Sridhar Khatri held a meeting with the and exchanged views on expanding trade and investment relations between the two countries, especially focusing on the possibilities of expanding market access for Nepali products in the US market. President Kiran Sakha and other executive members of NUSACCI were also present in the meeting.Ambassador Sridhar Khatri held a meeting with the and exchanged views on expanding trade and investment relations between the two countries, especially focusing on the possibilities of expanding market access for Nepali products in the US market. President Kiran Sakha and other executive members of NUSACCI were also present in the meeting. Embassy of Nepal, Washington DC, USA Archive 2023, News and Informations